Toraidhean sònraichte

  • According to different application environments, we can guide customers on how to install and use switches, or provide customers with suggestions on the selection according to technical requirements.According to different application environments, we can guide customers on how to install and use switches, or provide customers with suggestions on the selection according to technical requirements.

    Stiùireadh stàlaidh

    A rèir diofar àrainneachdan tagraidh, is urrainn dhuinn luchd-ceannach a stiùireadh air mar a stàlaicheas agus a chleachdas iad suidsichean, no molaidhean a thoirt do luchd-ceannach mun taghadh a rèir riatanasan teicnigeach.
  • When a product malfunctions during use, we will assist customers in analyzing the cause of the problem through telephone, email, and malfunctioning product samples. If necessary, we can send technical personnel to the customer's production site to assist in the analysis to ensure that the problem is resolved smoothly.When a product malfunctions during use, we will assist customers in analyzing the cause of the problem through telephone, email, and malfunctioning product samples. If necessary, we can send technical personnel to the customer's production site to assist in the analysis to ensure that the problem is resolved smoothly.

    mion-sgrùdadh dhuilgheadasan

    Nuair a bhios toradh ag obair ceàrr, cuidichidh sinn luchd-ceannach ann a bhith a ’dèanamh anailis air adhbhar na trioblaid tro fhòn, post-d, agus mì-chleachdadh sampaill toraidh. Ma tha feum air, is urrainn dhuinn luchd-obrach teicnigeach a chuir gu làrach riochdachaidh an neach-ceannach gus cuideachadh leis an anailis gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an duilgheadas air a rèiteachadh gu rèidh.
  • According to the customer's application environment, we can help customers make test equipment that simulates the application environment to test the selected products to ensure that the product can meet the needs of the application environment, and provide test results reports for reference.According to the customer's application environment, we can help customers make test equipment that simulates the application environment to test the selected products to ensure that the product can meet the needs of the application environment, and provide test results reports for reference.

    Riatanasan deuchainn

    A rèir àrainneachd tagraidh an neach-ceannach, is urrainn dhuinn luchd-ceannach a chuideachadh gus uidheamachd deuchainn a dhèanamh a tha coltach ri àrainneachd an tagraidh gus deuchainn a dhèanamh air na toraidhean taghte gus dèanamh cinnteach gun urrainn don toradh coinneachadh ri feumalachdan àrainneachd an tagraidh, agus aithisgean toraidhean deuchainn a thoirt seachad airson iomradh.
  • Provide timely technical advice to assist customers in the correct installation and use of products. During the development of new products, it can assist customers in successfully completing the design and development of new products and promptly solve the questions encountered in the product application, so that the product can be more stably applied to supporting products.Provide timely technical advice to assist customers in the correct installation and use of products. During the development of new products, it can assist customers in successfully completing the design and development of new products and promptly solve the questions encountered in the product application, so that the product can be more stably applied to supporting products.

    Seirbheis às deidh reic

    Thoir seachad comhairle teignigeach ann an deagh àm gus luchd-ceannach a chuideachadh ann a bhith a ’stàladh agus a’ cleachdadh bathar gu ceart. Le bhith a ’leasachadh thoraidhean ùra, faodaidh e luchd-ceannach a chuideachadh le bhith a’ crìochnachadh dealbhadh agus leasachadh thoraidhean ùra gu sgiobalta agus fuasgladh fhaighinn gu sgiobalta air na ceistean a thig thu a-steach don tagradh toraidh, gus an tèid an toradh a chuir an sàs nas seasmhaiche ann a bhith a ’toirt taic do thoraidhean.

Mar dèidhinn

  • about us

Zhejiang Lema Electric Co., Earr.suidhichte ann am Baile Wenzhou, Roinn Zhejiang. Chaidh a ’chompanaidh a stèidheachadh ann an 1986 tha Lema dealasach a thaobh R&D, cinneasachadh agus reic suidsichean dealain smachd gnìomhachais. Tha prìomh thoraidhean a ’chompanaidh a’ toirt a-steach meanbh-ghluasadan agus tionndadh siubhail (crìoch), tionndadh putan putaidh, tionndadh coise, tionndadh toggle, dìonadair cus cuideim, socaid cumhachd AC. Às deidh faisg air 30 bliadhna de leasachadh seasmhach, tha Lema air a thighinn gu bhith na neach-saothrachaidh proifeasanta mòr de mhicro suidsichean ann an Sìona. Tha a ’chompanaidh an-dràsta a’ còmhdach sgìre nas motha na 11,000 meatairean ceàrnagach.

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Raon tagraidh

Naidheachdan Tadhal Luchd-ceannach

Càite a bheil an raon gnìomhachais againn: Gu ruige seo tha sinn air siostaman riochdairean prosy a stèidheachadh ann an Algeria, an Èiphit, Iran, Afraga a-Deas, na h-Innseachan, Malaysia agus dùthchannan eile taobh an ear-dheas Àisia. Cuideachd anns an Ear Mheadhanach agus Ameireaga a-Deas. Tha companach againn agus àireamh mhòr de luchd-ceannach.